Battle of Bennington

The Battle of Bennington took place on August 16,1777, in Walloomsac New York, about 10 miles from its namesake Bennington,Vermont.Vermont’s unique holiday on August 16 is in honor of the Battle of Bennigton in the American Revolutionary War.Here Brigadier General John Stark and his American Forces successfully defeated two detachments of British General John Burgoyne’s invading army in 1777.The British Army was lead by General John Burgoyne ,and the  New England militia and the Green Mountain Boys were led by General John Stark.The Americans won the Battle of Bennington against the British.There were 207 British that were killed and 700 more that were taken as prisoners.On the other hand there were 30 Americans killed and only 40 wounded.The Battle of Bennington started when the British commander sent 800 soldiers,including,British,Germans,Loyalists,and Indians to capture Bennington and bring back the supplies for the British Army.At the same time 1,600 New England militiamen and Green Mountain Boys led by General John Stark were going to Bennington to get more supplies.When they met the British on the outskirts of town they Ambushed the British soldiers.

Patriot Poem

At war in 1775 he joined a militia company

Then he raised a provincial Artillery company

He was loyal to Washington

He was brave

Alexander Hamilton

He was determined

He conveyed plans to Generals

He became a senior aid to Washington

Alexander Hamilton was dispatched by Washington on numerous missions


This year of  2017, I want to try new sports like basketball or volleyball.The good thing is I already found a team to play volleyball on and are team name is “Wrecking Crew”.We have already played one tournament and our next tournament is coming up soon.I was working on getting my serve over the net, but I have it over the net now its just that I have to hit it over constantly.I play the two spots that are 5 and 6 which is left back and center back.Now this spring i’m going to being looking for a basketball team to play on.I hope I can find a team that has good coaches,and has really competitive girls on the team  that are willing to play intense.This is one of my main New Year goal and I hope I can complete it. Happy New Year to everyone.

Pearl Harbor

I think that Pearl Harbor was a very sad and tragic day.It really made Americans lower their heads and look down for a while.I think that it was unexpected and we weren’t prepared.Even though it might have made us all sad, America stood back up and fought that wore and, even though that knocked America off their feet we became stronger.It was also very sad because of all the Americans that had died even innocent Americans had died.Lots of people say that the Japanese woke up a sleeping Giant.I just wanted to say that it was a very tragic day and that I thank the Americans that fought in that war to keep Americans and America safe and standing strong.

Christmas Couplets

P is for presents that are under the tree,                                                     that makes lots of kids smile with glee!

Christmas tree with presents and fireplace with stockings --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Christmas tree with presents and fireplace with stockings — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

The Kid Who Ran For President

The story about “The Kid Who Ran For President”is based on a kid who was twelve years old and was running for president of the United States.Most of the kids and some grownups wanted him to become President but then again some kids and a lot of grownups didn’t want him to become president .He was running for president as a joke but his friend lane wanted him to run for president for real so he could actually become president.At the end of the story he became president and told everybody he wasn’t a Democrat or a Republican but that he was just there as President to help the world become a better and safer place.

The reason why I like this book is because it had you on the edge, excited to read more and know if he became president. 

Red Ribbon Week


Camarene was working in Mexico .For four and one half years in Mexico, Kiki remained on the trail of the country’s biggest marijuana and cocaine drug pipeline.In early 1985, he was extremely close to unlocking a multi billion dollar drug pipeline.However ,before he was able to expose the drug trafficking operations to the public  he was kidnapped on Febuary 7,1985.On that fateful day, while headed to a luncheon with his wife Mika, Kiki was surrounded by five armed men who threw him into a car and sped away.That was the last time anyone but his kidnappers would see him alive.Shortly after Kikis death, congress men , Ducan hunter, and High School friend Henry Lozano launched Camarena’s club in Kikis home town of Colexico, California. Hundreds of club members including Calexico High School teacher David Dhillon wore red ribbons and pladged to lead drug-free lives to honor the sacrifices made by Kiki Camarena on behalf of all Americans.


                                          S- step away

                                           T- tell an adult

                                          O-okay sites first                                        

                                         P- pause and think online                                        

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