Author Archives: ayoung
Final Blog Post of 5th Grade
I have enjoyed 5th grade and I’m excited to go to sixth grade. This year has been really fun, and I have learned so much. The teachers were very kind and always willing to teach us even if we didn’t get what they were trying to teach us. We have done a lot of activities and parties. Not only did we learn about school subjects but the teachers also taught us some life lessons. We also learned about the American Decades and it was so much fun. I think the fifth grade was a very important grade. Now I am ready for sixth grade. Thank you so much Mr.McBride, Mrs.McFall, Mrs.Brantley, Mrs.Lobue, and Mrs.Ummel.
Dear Mrs.Larue Letters From Obedience School
Dear Ike,
I am sorry I had to send you to obedience school.I hope you are having a great time and making new friends.I have read all your letters ,and I hope you are being treated well.I hope the food is good and that you have learned some manners.Please don’t run away, Ike.I will miss you so much.I will be there soon to pick you up.I love you Ike.
Westward Expansion
A Day with Kayleigh
one day after school, Kayleigh came home with me.First we went to the snow cone stand and got the same flavored snow cone called the Dallas Mavericks.Then we went to my house to go mudding on fourwheelers.When we got home, we got on the fourwheelers and rode down to the bottom pasture where all the mud was at.We saw millions of places where we could go mudding at but we chose two places that looked fun.The places were like a pool of mud,the first one was smaller than the second place.We decided to ride to the first place first.When we drove through there was mud flying everywhere.The mud covered our bodies to where we looked like a big blob of mud.We road through a big water puddle that washed off some of the mud.Kayleigh and I decided to ride through the second mud puddle next.When we drove through it felt like a big wave of mud was attacking us.That one was way more fun than the first one.We decided to drive through each mud puddle three more times..Every time we drove through the mud we got more mud on us.After that we went home and washed off the fourwheelers.Then we went swimming After we swam we ate dinner and then played some more.
Child Labor
It wasn’t fair for the girls that were trapped in the factory with the doors locked.When the fire started they couldn’t escape cause the doors were locked.The only was out was to jump out the window to their death.I think that the owner of the factory shouldn’t have locked the door because then the girls would have been able to escape from the building away from the fire.It was sad how they treated kids like adults back then.I felt bad for the kids because whenever they got hurt or were killed the factory owners didn’t care cause there were a lot more people willing to work.Sometimes the kids might be wounded but still work.It was hard on the kids because it was dangerous and there was dust all over the factory.It was just sad that if the kids were three or more minutes late that they would dock there payments.It was sad of how they treated kids back then.
The Computer
War of 1812
War of 1812 started with several events that led up to the war.
Andrew Jackson was a U.S military leader during the war.
Right at the start of war the United States had only 16 war ships.
On June 18 1812 the United States declared war on the United Kingdom.
Finally the United Kingdom supported Native American tribes in an effort to prevent the U.S from expanding to the west.
1st the U.S attacked the British colony of Canada.
8 months and two was how long the war of 1812 lasted.
1st of all the Americans wanted to stay out of war but that was getting harder to do.
2nd war of Independence was what the war was called sometimes.
Miracle Massager
How To Bake A Cake
First you open the package.Then pour out the cake mix.Next you need to crack one egg, add water, and mix the ingredients together.Now you pour the mix into a pan.Finally you bake the cake in the oven.When the cake is done you can take the cake out and enjoy the luxurious, sweet, rich cake!