My Halloween Story

One night when the wind was howling and the moon was full, We were all walking in a grave yard on Halloween.We heard tons of noise like screaming, circus music, screechy Halloween songs,people yelling out loud that clowns were chasing them with knives and chainsaws.All of the sudden we heard creepy music that said”You can’t catch us la la la la la were coming for you la la la la la.Then lightning flickered and I saw a merry-go-round in the grave yard and in the background I could hear kids laughing.Soon lighting flickered again.Now the kids were screaming in terror ”clowns”!!!!I could also hear chainsaws in the background.Then someone ran up to us and said ”Run!Theres clowns.”So we all started to run but then this group clowns grabbed us but they tripped so we escaped.We didn’t know where we were for some reason all we knew was that we were in a dark forest alone with no one to help us or no where to go.We all started to walk but then this group of dolls surrounded us and the next thing we knew it was pitch black.Then we woke up tied to a merry-go-round.There was this man that ran up to us untied us and said run the clowns and ghost are attacking every one.Now we were even more scared because he said there was ghost.So we all  started running as fast as we could into the dark forest with no where to go.

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